A distinctive coaching style – centred on your goals

Looking to enhance your leadership skills, strengthen your relationships, achieve a specific goal… or simply become your best self?
Reaching your full potential is a journey. And it all starts with an exceptional coach.

Our approach to coaching

At Full Potential, we invest in your growth like it’s our own. That’s why our approach is deeply focused on understanding you – and your goals.

When you work with us, expect a coach who is:


We ask lots of questions. And then we listen. Intently . Because we know the best coaching starts with a deep understanding of you. We’re also curious about behaviour change – keeping abreast of the latest research.


At Full Potential, we practise calm, non-judgemental coaching. We understand that you need to feel safe to create change and step beyond your comfort zone. As your coach, we’ll put you at ease from the get-go – with our relaxed, down-to-earth manner.


We’ll sink our teeth into helping your reach your goals – doing whatever it takes to support you and get the job done. Because we don’t want you to settle for anything less than your full potential.

What to Expect

Soaring to Success – with our FLIGHT model

Created by our Director, Jamie Mushin, the FLIGHT model is designed to give you clarity on your goals – and a roadmap (or more like a sky map!) to reaching them.

Because we don’t want to just see you take-off. We want to see you soar.

Here’s how our FLIGHT model works:

1. Clarify your destination

For any successful journey, we need to begin with the end in mind.

Ask yourself: Where am I going? What do I want to achieve?

By being crystal clear on your end goal at the beginning, you’ll be best positioned for success.

2. Decide on your departure point

Where are you beginning this journey from?

Be really honest about where you are right now. An accurate understanding of your current position is vital to moving forward in the right direction.

This includes asking yourself: What’s currently working and what’s not? What do you need to improve on? And what are the gaps in your knowledge and understanding?

Reflect on the positive strategies and behaviours in your life – as well as the ones you need to change… or throw out.

3. Plan your flight

To reach your goals, you need a clear flight path.

Now is the time to start planning your flight. In this step, consider all potential paths – and we’ll decide on the best one later.

4. Anticipate turbulence

Every flight comes with its fair share of turbulence – and life is the same. That’s why you need to mentally and emotionally prepare for any bumps or obstacles that might arise along the way.

In doing so, you can develop strategies to manage any difficulties before, and when, they arise.

5. Decide your flight path

You know all your possible flight paths. Now it’s time to drill down on the best one.

We’ll work together to ensure you’re comfortable with what your journey looks like – and that you’re confident it will take you to your destination.

6. Take-off

This is where you put it all into action.

You’ll start to implement new strategies and behaviours. You’ll nail some of them and find others require a bit of persistence – or fine-tuning.

This is your personalised journey; your process of learning, growing and evolving.

7. Receive air-traffic control

We’ll support you every step of your journey, as you soar towards your destination. From one-on-one coaching sessions to regular check-in phone calls, we’re here when you need us.

Ready to take-off – and reach your full potential?