Alan Mulally is the former CEO of Ford. When he joined Ford in 2006, the company was on the brink of bankruptcy. Instead of walking in with the iron-fist leadership style many expected, Mulally chose a different approach.

At his first meeting with the senior leadership team, he asked for a report on the health of their projects. To his surprise, all the reports came back as green — indicating that everything was going well — despite the company’s severe financial struggles. Rather than reacting with frustration or firing people, Mulally acted with humility. He encouraged his team to share their real challenges openly, ensuring they would not face punitive consequences for honesty.

This shift in communication built trust. Soon, team members began to openly discuss problems, collaborate, and find solutions. Mulally’s humility and transparent communication led Ford out of financial turmoil without needing a government bailout. His leadership showed that humility isn’t a sign of weakness but rather a cornerstone of strength, particularly when leading high-performing teams.

Leadership is often associated with strength, authority, and control. Yet, some of the most successful leaders are those who lead with humility. When combined with effective communication, humility can transform a high-performing team into an unstoppable force. Let’s dive into the importance of humility in leadership by starting with a powerful real-life story that demonstrates its impact.

Why Humility is Essential for Leadership

Humility in leadership is essential for fostering strong communication, building trust, and encouraging collaboration within teams. A leader who acknowledges their own limitations and listens to others creates an environment where innovation and problem-solving thrive. Here are a few reasons why humility is critical to effective leadership:

1. Improved Communication: Humility fosters open and honest communication. Leaders who exhibit humility are more likely to ask for input, listen actively, and value diverse perspectives. This level of communication strengthens the team and ensures that everyone feels heard, respected, and engaged.

2. Building Trust: Trust is the foundation of any successful team. Humble leaders create a culture of trust by admitting their mistakes and showing vulnerability. When leaders are transparent about their challenges, team members feel more comfortable bringing up their own concerns, which leads to a stronger, more cohesive team.

3. Encouraging Collaboration: High-performing teams rely on collaboration to succeed. Humble leaders understand that they don’t have all the answers and actively seek out the expertise of others. This openness to ideas from all levels of the organisation fosters a collaborative atmosphere, where everyone is working toward the same goal.

4. Fostering Personal Growth: Humility encourages leaders to focus not only on their own development but also on the growth of their team. By providing opportunities for team members to take on new challenges, humble leaders empower their teams to reach their full potential. This, in turn, strengthens the overall performance of the organisation.

How Humility and Communication Work Together

Communication is the key to unlocking the full potential of humility in leadership. Here’s how the two concepts work together to create an effective leadership style:

1. Creating a Safe Space for Dialogue: Humility opens the door to honest communication. When a leader communicates with humility, they make it safe for team members to express their ideas, concerns, and feedback. This transparency leads to better decision-making and more innovative solutions. A team that feels heard is more likely to contribute their best efforts.

2. Active Listening: Humble leaders don’t just hear their team — they listen. Active listening allows leaders to understand the nuances of what’s being communicated, which helps them respond thoughtfully. This level of attention strengthens relationships and builds a deeper connection between leaders and their teams.

3. Leading by Example: Humility in communication also involves setting the right example. When leaders demonstrate humility in their actions and words, they model the behaviour they want to see in their teams. A leader who communicates humbly is less likely to create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation, and more likely to inspire confidence and mutual respect.

4. Resolving Conflict: In any high-performing team, conflicts will inevitably arise. Humility allows leaders to approach conflict with an open mind, focusing on solutions rather than assigning blame. By communicating with empathy and humility, leaders can resolve disputes in a way that strengthens, rather than fractures, the team dynamic.

In Summary

Humility is often an underappreciated trait in leadership, yet its power to build strong, high-performing teams cannot be overstated. Alan Mulally’s leadership at Ford is just one example of how humility can steer a team through adversity and onto the path of success. Humble leaders create environments where trust, collaboration, and innovation thrive, ultimately leading to stronger, more resilient organisations.

As leaders, it’s important to remember that humility is not a weakness. It’s a strength that, when combined with clear and open communication, creates teams that are not just high-performing, but also deeply connected and empowered.

If you or your team would benefit from training or coaching around humility in leadership or communication, or any of the other leadership, communication and soft skills required to develop outstanding leaders and high performing teams, please book in for a free, no obligation Discovery Session, email us at, or call us on +61 412 403 373. We’d love to chat with you!
